Assine já
Alguns dos proponentes da recolha de assinaturas contra a existência de duas sedes do Parlamento Europeu. Tudo gente boa. Insisto: assine já. Aqui.
E leia as razões de Cecilia Malmström.
Foto: Hans Doverholm
This site has been initiated by Cecilia Malmström, member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Liberal Party. Cecilia has been working to put an end to the moving circus to Strasbourg since she was first elected to the European Parliament.
| Ellen Trane Nørby, Spokesperson on Culture and Chair of European Affairs Committe in Venstre, Liberal Party, Denmark |
Foto: Marcel Minnee | Lousewies van der Laan, Leader of the Democrats 66 Parliamentary Group in the Dutch parliament and former Member of the European Parliament. |
| Dr Helga Trüpel, German green. Member of the European Parliament and vice president of the cultural committe. |
| Catherine Stihler, British labour. Member of the European Parliament. |
Foto: Europhoto FIN | Alexander Stubb, Finnish Conservative. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Frédérique Ries, Belgian Liberal. Member of the European Parliament |
| Alexander Alvaro, German liberal, Member of the European Parliament and President of The Campaign for Parliament Reform. |
| Dr. Ona Jukneviciene, Lithuanian liberal. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Chris Heaton Harris, British conservative. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Piia-Noora Kauppi, Finnish conservative. Member of the European Parliament and member of the Campaign for Parliament Reform |
| Christofer Fjellner, Swedish Conservative, Member of the European Parliament and former President of the Swedish Young Conservatives. |
| Karin Riis Jørgensen, Member of the European Parliament and Vice President of the ALDE-group (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe). |
| Chris Davies, British Liberal Democrat, Member of the European Parliament. |
| Anders Samuelsen, The Danish Social Liberal Party. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Karin Resetarits, Austrian Liberal. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Timothy Kirkhope, Leader of the UK Conservative Party in the European Parliament. |
| Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Estonian social democrat. Member of the European Parliament. |
The Dutch christian democrats in the European Parliament. On the picture from left to right: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Corien Wortmann, Maria Martens, Camiel Eurlings, Ria Oomen-Ruijten, Albert Jan Maat, Bert Doorn. |
| Åsa Westlund, Swedish social democrat. Member of the European Parliament. |
| István Szent-Iványi, Hungarian liberal. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Raúl Romeva, Spanish green. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Silvana Koch-Mehrin. Member of the European Parliament, Leader of the FDP in the European Parliament |
| Eugenijus Gentvilas, Lithuanian liberal. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Richard Corbett, British labour and member of the European Parliament |
| The Dutch liberal delegation to the European Parliament. From left Jules Maaten, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Jan Mulder and Toine Manders. |
Fotograf: Magnus Fond | Lena Ek, Swedish Centerparty and member of the European Parliament |
| Edith Mastenbroek, Dutch labour party. Member of the European Parliament. |
| The Dutch Greens in the European Parliament, Kathalijne Buitenweg and Joost Lagendijk. |
| Gunnar Hökmark, Member of the European Parliament, Leader of the Moderate delegation in The European Parliament. |
| Ian Hudghton. President, Scottish National Party First Vice-President, Greens/EFA Group. Member of the European Parliament. |
| Alyn Smith, Member of the European Parliament for the Scottish National Party and party spokesman on Europe. |
| Neena Gill, British Labour, Member of European Parliament |
| The Danish social democrats in the European Parliament, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Henrik Dam Kristensen, Britta Thompsen, Ole Christensen, Dan Jørgensen |
| Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Polish liberal. Member of European Parliament |
| Gérard Deprez, Belgian liberal. Member of European Parliament |
| Sophie In't Veld, Dutch liberal, D66. Member of European Parliament |
| Michael Jäger, Secretary General Taxpayers Association of Europe |
| Henrik Lax, Finnish liberal, Member of European Parliament. |